Being a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-national cricket group in Stuttgart Germany, diversity and inclusivity are the core values of TSV Malmsheim Cricket Stuttgart. We have not only made the diversity part of our day to day functioning but also we actively promote it at different platforms. To continue this tradition of ours, we participated in Fachtag Vielfalt(Diversity Day) event organized by Württembergische Landessportbund e.V. (WLSB) on 1st July in SpOrt Stuttgart. The WLSB is an umbrella organization for sports in the state of Baden Württemberg. It has more than 2 million members in over 5,600 Vereinen (clubs), 62 member associations and 24 sports groups.
Sports for All
The objective of the event was to highlight the magnitude of diversity in sport and foster inclusivity within the sport fraternity. The event was attended by more than 150 people from various background. The format of the event was insightful and entertaining. It started at 9:15 with welcoming the participants at the registration desk where they got their name plate and a folder with personalized program flow, participation certificate and a notebook. Everyone walked ahead with full of excitement and sense of curiosity about the place and people which turned into joyful conversations over freshly brewed vegan coffee (wiht Soya and Hafer milk) and crispy & fluffy traditional Schwäbische Laugenbrezeln.

The president of WLSB, Andreas Felchle gave the welcoming speech and emphasized the significance of diversity in sport. He implied that members of sport Vereinen (clubs) in Baden Württemberg which make one third of the total population in the state could bring immense change on the count of diversity. The speech was a call to the sport communities in Baden Württemberg to integrate diversity in all aspects of sports. He was followed by Impulse Presentation from Dr. Fabienne Bartsch on diversity and participation in sport. It included fundamental concepts of diversity, categories of diversity, need for action etc. and was full of intriguing academic studies and astonishing statistics on current health of diversity in sport.
Thereafter, first round of workshops was held which included 7 parallel workshops on various topics. Participants eagerly went for delicious lunch (Rice with Curry and Spinat Knödel) after collecting pointer from the workshops. After the lunch another round of workshops took place. The event ended with recognizing the efforts of workshop and event organizers followed by coffee and cake. There was an opportunity to stay bit longer and network together.

Our Commitment
Our participation in the WLSB-Fachtag Vielfalt event exemplifies our dedication to embracing diversity in sport. By actively participating in discussions, workshops, and supporting such activities, TSV Malmsheim illustrates their commitment to establishing an ecosystem through cricket in stuttgart where differences are celebrated and valued.