Cricket is Fun

We are professional cricket club located in Stuttgart, established in 2019. Spreading and improving game of cricket in Landhauptstadt Stuttgart is our main objective. We are a diverse group of people who have passion to change the level of cricket in Germany.

The club’s facilities include a cricket ground with a turf wicket, practice nets, and a clubhouse. The club’s members come from a variety of backgrounds and professions, but they are all united by their love of cricket.

The club offers a range of cricket programs and events, including training sessions, friendly matches, and tournaments. The club also has a dedicated youth program, which provides coaching and training for young players aged 6-18 years.

Member of
TSVM Cricket club plays in BWCV Regionalliga, Verbarndsliga and Junior League


TSVM Sharks

BWCV Regionalliga

TSVM Hawks

BWCV Verbandsliga

TSVM Knights

BWCV Junior League

Integration through Sports

Sport should help enable lasting and active participation in society for people with a migration background,for example,through contacts made in a club, doing voluntary work or acquiring key skills.

People with or without a migration background are to take parrt in organised sports in Germany and help shape these sports activites.

Our Supporters

One can not accomplish everything by oneself. We have been lucky to be walking on our journey with …

Coaching Partner

From session planning to players development. Ludimos provides you with coaching & analytical tools to develop your players.