TSV Malmsheim Hauptversammlung 23

TSV Malmsheim hosted its Hauptversammlung on 24 March 2023, in which around 200 people from Landkreis Renningen participated. The event was headed by Verein Vostands, Georg Schneider, Dietrich Bauer, Marc Single, and Marco Buck. It was great to see joyful people in the Malmsheim colors. TSV Malmsheim Cricket department also attended the event. Deepak, Chadra, Prashanth, Varun, Mohan, Harish, and Rohit were in presence.

The event began by welcoming words from Verein Vorstand Georg. He was delighted to see Malmsheimers in big numbers at the event. Thereafter, we all spent some moments of silence for fellow Malmsheimers who departed from us last year. After that, the whole crowd applauded the long service members, coaches and players who performed exceptionally well at national and state level tournaments. They were awarded and got an opportunity to share stage with Vorstands. The ground renovation project was a major highlight of the event. Updates were given about the construction works, finance and its care plan. 

The finances of the Verein were also discussed during the event, including a breakdown of the income and expenses for the year. This information was important for members to understand the financial health of the Verein and the resources available for future projects. Finally, George thanked all Malmsheimers for their participation and support in the success of the association.