Cricket enthusiasts from all corners of Germany recently converged in Hennef for an extraordinary sporting event – the Cricket-Netzwerktreffen. Organized by the Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund (DOSB), this gathering welcomed Landessportbünde (LSB), Landescricketverbände, Deutscher Cricket Bund (DCB), Cricket clubs (Vereine), including the TSV Malmsheim, to come together, share insights, and celebrate their passion for the sport. Held from the 13th to the 15th of October, the event was a fantastic blend of workshops, engaging activities, and esteemed guests, including the top officials of the DCB.
The objective of the event was to paint the current picture of state of cricket in Germany and draw an effective strategy to improve level of cricket at all levels. The event began on Friday afternoon with registration followed by introduction round. Everyone was asked to answer 3 simple questions.
- Who are you?
- Which association do you represent?
- What is your aim in attending the event?

The next day, started with breakfast, was packed with actions. Later, we were all divided in 8 groups of 6 and pitched against each other with a fun game with ball. It warmed us up for a long day ahead. We went straight to first round of workshops after listening to electric pitches by the workshop organizers. There were 3 workshops to choose on the topics, 1) cooperation with schools/universities, 2) involving youth in association and 3) strategy to win volunteers. The second round of workshops was conducted after lunch break. Finally, all participants came together in the afternoon and discussed about the leanings in the workshops. A feedback cum question/answer session was also held. The day ended with dinner and watching New Zealand vs Ireland Rugby world cup match in bar.
On final day, close discussions among Landescricketverbände, Cricket vereins and DCB was held. The Landessportbünde also took part in the discussion. The grassroot problems faced by Vereins were put forward and possible solutions were designed. The event ended with lunch. It was an insightful event and active participation of all stakeholders of cricket in Germany made it most relevant and efficient.

Our Takeaways
From TSV Malmsheim Cricket, Abteilungsleiter Chandramohan and Rohit joined the event. Our frequent presence in sports events show that our commitment to cricket is not limited to just playing cricket. We want to make cricket part of the society, introduce kids, youngster, women to cricket at early stage, and integrate immigrants through sport in the society. In the event, we have learned strategies to make cricket fun, engage more volunteers and expand cricket base of the verein.