Where Champions Rise
Who we are
We are professional cricket club located in Stuttgart. Spreading and improving game of cricket in Stuttgart is our main objective. We are a diverse group of people who have passion to change the level of cricket in Germany.
TSVM Cricket teams play in BWCV Regionalliga & Verbandsliga.

Who we are
We are professional cricket club located in Stuttgart. Spreading and improving game of cricket in Stuttgart is our main objective. We are a diverse group of people who have passion to change the level of cricket in Germany.
TSVM Cricket club teams play in BWCV Regionalliga & Verbandsliga.

Member of

Why Should You Join Us
Our cricketing facilities include indoor/outdoor grounds, bowling machine, astro turf pitch and kits
We have seasoned management team with vision to put Cricket first
Situated close to Stuttgart and around the clock accessible by public transport
TSVM Sharks and Hawks are our flagship teams talented players
In short time, we have created footprints of our success in cricketing circle
It is home of cricket loving people from various ethnic, cultural, and social backgrounds.
Our cricketing facilities include indoor/outdoor grounds, bowling machine, astro turf pitch and kits
We have seasoned management team with vision to put Cricket first
Situated close to Stuttgart and around the clock accessible by public transport
TSVM Sharks and Hawks are our flagship teams talented players
In short time, we have created footprints of our success in cricketing circle
It is home of cricket loving people from various ethnic, cultural, and social backgrounds.
BWCV Winterliga 22
Runner Up
TSVM Indoor 22
BWCV Winterliga 23
Runner Up
FVP Outdoor 23
Our Facilities

We have 1 indoor sport hall and 2 outdoor cricket grounds. For training, we have AstroTurf pitch and bowling machine.


TSV Malmsheim Cricket is equipped with modern training facilities
2 Cricket Grounds
Bowling Machine
Astro Turf Pitch
Indoor Sport Hall

Latest News
TSVM Knights Start in BWCV U13 League
The TSVM Knights is newly formed junior team at TSV Malmsheim Cricket. We have invested significant amount of resource this...
Read MoreTSVM Cricket Launches Stuttgart Premier League
The TSVM Cricket has been at the forefront of the rise of cricket in the Stuttgart region. It has two...
Read MoreCricket is for All
At TSV Malmsheim Cricket, we recently had the pleasure of hosting a visit from the enthusiastic Nast Girls group on...
Read MoreThe Hawks won against Ludwigshafen
The TSVM Hawks destroyed the ESV Ludwigshafen in batting and bowling on 9th June 2024 in the BWCV Verbandsliga match....
Read MoreTraining

18:00 – 20:00 Hours
07.30 – 12:30 Hours
07:30 – 12:30 Hours
On Demand
After discussion
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What People Say About Us

TSV Malmsheim cricket department is a powerhouse of talent and dedication. Every year this club only gets better and stronger. Looking forward to see TSVM women's team and kids team in BW Cricketing circles soon. All the best TSVM Cricket.
BWCV President

TSV Malmsheim's journey is astonishing.They started with a group of softball team. And just within 3 years into Hard ball league system. They are seen as one of the contenders of winning regional tournament. This shows commitment and dedication of team.
Hardik Vora
BWCV League Administrator

Malmsheim represents Evolution. This Club has evolved a lot since 2019. The competition and zeal to win are enormous in them. They have improved the level of cricket in Stuttgart and increased competition. Good luck and keep growing.
Ramesh Sharma
FV Plochingen Cricket Head

Den ersten Kontakt hatten wir mit Euch bei einem unserer Softballturniere, wo wir Euch als sehr freundlich und ambitioniert kennengelernt haben. Und siehe da: kurz darauf habt Ihr euch inzwischen in der Region einen ausgesprochen guten Namen gemacht.
Roshan Ranasinghe
President Stuttgart cricket Verein

One of the outstanding qualities of this club is the passion and drive that its members have for the sport. This is evident in the way they approach their training sessions, matches and even their social media presence.
Balakumaran Ilangovan
SV Feuerbach Cricket Head

A great example of how a club must be run. It's incredible to see a club growing in such a short span of time. They are very active and highly motivated both on-and-off the field. Setting a tone for the rest of the clubs in the region to follow.
Ruchit Telrandhe
BWCV Youth Officer

Malmsheim ist ein Cricket Club, der sich als Newcomer-Club schnell entwickelt hat. Es ist nicht leicht, mit dieser Mannschaft zu gewinnen. Die Teamarbeit ist bemerkenswert. Ich wünsche diesem Verein alles Gute für seine weitere Entwicklung.Viel Erfolg 🍀
Ruwantha de Silva
TV Pflugfelden Cricket Abteilungsleiter

Growth of Malmsheim as a club has been staggering. From starting as a small new club from only a few years back to where they are now is astounding. It exemplifies a well managed cricket club with the support of passionate and devoted members.
Sujay Rajagopalan
Coach TSG Rohrbach
- Assist in Coaching, Training & Umpiring
- Manage Website, Scoring and Social media channels
- Access Club Facilities
- Take Part in Club Social Activities
- Take part in playing Cricket
- 90 € cash back for 6 working hours
- Assist in Coaching, Training & Umpiring
- Manage Website, Scoring and Social media channels
- Access Club Facilities
- Take Part in Club Social Activities
- Take part in playing Cricket
- 90 € cash back for 6 working hours